Former police homeless liaison officer discusses Florida’s controversial encampment law
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This is a recording of my presentation to the 2024 National Sheriffs’ Association Winter Conference in Washington, D.C. I cover issues such as: How did homelessness, addictions and mental illness become a law enforcement issue? How to navigate the politics of these issues (and not lose the next election). Redefining the sheriff’s role in the 21st Century: You can no longer “stay in your lane. Legal issues including the upcoming SCOTUS case Johnson v. Grants Pass Oregon. Originally recorded 02/03/2024. Click here to download the presentation.
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First responders are the first to rush into a hazardous situation to help those in need. Unfortunately, we are often the worst offenders for effective self-care. In our very first guest blog, Jackie Cortez talks about self-care for first responders. She works with The Prevention Coalition to find resources on every aspect of addiction, including recovery. Jackie believes that every child and young adult deserves the opportunity to make a fully educated decision on drug use. The Prevention Coalition was founded by a group of retired school counselors and therapists to provide an accessible drug use and abuse prevention resource
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At a time when sheriffs are being asked to do more with less, communities are demanding answers on issues that were not traditional addressed by law enforcement such as homelessness, addictions and better mental health responses. if you are looking for answers to take back to your community, then you should come and see my presentation (Saturday, February 3rd at 10:30 AM) at the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) Winter Conference in Washington D.C. My talk, entitled “The Sheriff’s Guide to Navigating the Politics of Homelessness, Addictions & Mental Illness” will provide a lively discussion of these timely issues along with
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I’m here at the National Sheriffs’ Association #Sheriffs2022 getting checked-in. Hope to see you on Thursday at 9:15 AM in room 2209 for “The Top 10 Reasons to Start a Police Homeless Outreach Team (and How)”.
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What can you do when one homeless person consumes 13% of your fire/rescue/EMS calls? I’ll explain how the City of TreasureIsland, FL solved this problem at the National Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference in KC/MO. Over 60 educational opportunities spread out over 4 days: Register at
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I’m honored to have been selected to present on better law enforcement responses to homelessness at the National Sheriffs Association annual conference in KC/MO. If your agency is seeking effective solutions for homelessness that won’t get you sued, stop by and see me on June 30th at 9:15 AM. I will be available all week for private consultations. Please contact me at to check my availability. Register to attend Sheriffs2022 at . Learn more and see the whole line-up at
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Dreams can come true! Six years ago today, I took homeless couple Rocky & Evelyn from a camp in the woods to a fairytale wedding, and ultimately to a home of their own (permanently ending their homelessness). This is what can happen when a community comes together to help those most in need (I as a police officer had a budget of zero for a wedding and arranged this entirely through the generosity of others). When I first met Rocky & Evelyn, I was impressed by how organized their camp was. And if they can manage this well in a camp,
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Navigating someone out of homelessness is difficult. As an example, the image above compares a flowchart of chronic homelessness with a flowchart of a nuclear reactor. No, this is not an optical illusion — you are seeing correctly. We have made a nuclear reactor simpler than the HUD definition of chronic homelessness! Navigating homeless clients through this complex maze of bureaucracy and red tape is why police homeless outreach teams (HOTs) are so effective: they work as system navigators to meet the needs of their clients while also reducing the burden on public resources.Please contact me ( if you would like
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Police continue to be the default response to homelessness in most communities. I am often asked if there are ways to improve their response, or should they “stay in their lane”? The key to an effective #homeless or #panhandling strategy involves shifting from crisis response mode to problem solving mode. Once your agency makes this leap, you start to save time and money while reducing calls for service and citizen complaints. In other words, if arresting away the problem has not worked (along with the threats of lawsuits), why not try a new approach…one that works? So where do you
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