Former Police Homeless Liaison Officer Discusses Florida’s Controversial Encampment Law
Former police homeless liaison officer discusses Florida’s controversial encampment law
Developing Better Police & Community Responses to Homelessness
Former police homeless liaison officer discusses Florida’s controversial encampment law
Dreams can come true! Six years ago today, I took homeless couple Rocky & Evelyn from a camp in the woods to a fairytale wedding, and ultimately to a home of their own (permanently ending their homelessness). This is what can Read more
I was honored to participate in a panel discussion with the Center for Court Innovation for the “Sharing the Solutions” series. We had an enlightening discussion on #homelessness, incarceration, re-entry and behavioral health. These webinars are made possible by the Read more
Note: This article was published on on 03/23/20. You can read the full version here: Police agencies with homeless outreach teams (HOTs) are concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on how they perform homeless outreach and are wondering how the Read more