Former Police Homeless Liaison Officer Discusses Florida’s Controversial Encampment Law
Former police homeless liaison officer discusses Florida’s controversial encampment law
Developing Better Police & Community Responses to Homelessness
Former police homeless liaison officer discusses Florida’s controversial encampment law
I was honored to participate in a panel discussion with the Center for Court Innovation for the “Sharing the Solutions” series. We had an enlightening discussion on #homelessness, incarceration, re-entry and behavioral health. These webinars are made possible by the Read more
Should the police be involved in social issues such as homelessness, mental illness and addictions. In a perfect world, no. But we are not in a perfect world. In this episode, I discuss my role in police homeless outreach and Read more
Defunding the police is an idea that has gained momentum. In this episode I discuss why this is a bad idea and what society would be like without the police. Links I mentioned: There’s a growing call to defund the Read more