The Top 10 Reasons to Start a Police Homeless Outreach Team (and How)

The Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida will be hosting the International Association of Chief of Police (#IACP2018) conference from October 6-9, 2018. This is the largest police conference in the world, attracting 15,000 police executives from over 150 nations.

I am happy to announce that I will be offering my latest workshop “” on Saturday, October 6, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM ().

I developed this idea after several conversations with Antoinette Hayes-Triplett, CEO of the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative (THHI). She remarked that after a meeting at the Urban Land Institute in Los Angeles, CA, many police agencies were interested in developing a police homeless outreach team (HOT) but just didn’t know how to get started. They also realized that attempting to arrest away homelessness is not an effective solution.

I have spent about 15,000 hours working in police homeless outreach, figuring what does work – as well as what what doesn’t work. I’ll also offer some ideas for how to not get sued since having an ineffective or non-existent homeless policy is a quick trip towards expensive and time-consuming litigation.

If you cannot attend #IACP2018, I’ll also be presenting this workshop at The 2018 Florida Institute on Homelessness and Supportive Housing on Friday, November 2nd (click for details).

As always, if you have any questions about police homeless outreach or homelessness in general, feel free to contact me. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @HomelessPolice.